Monday, 8 December 2014

Term 4 Spring /Summer

Using the calendula petals and the CTS olive oil, we have made Calendula Balm
The pots of balm were sold by the children at The Growables Event held at Founders Park in November
Our fundraiser to expand the veggie garden ! 
Label for the pots were designed by the children and the chosen label was Bella's from Room 15! 

TERM 4 Spring / Summer

Room 6 and Room 7 worked together in the vegetable garden this term:

Transplanting the tomatoes seedlings into bigger pots
Mixing the couch grass in the water container where we will leave it for 6 months before using it to feed the garden soil!  " Yuck! The old mixture is very stinky " 

Planting seeds in our potting shed 

We have found some cardboard and some silver paper in the recycling bin, so we have made some decorations for our Cherry Blossom Tree! 
We wrote a few quotes from the children and glued them to the decorations. Garden related quotes, of course ! Just to make sure they were all listening ! And... they were !! Great work Rooms 6 and 7 !!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


ROOM 15 in the garden
This week we gave a go at making our own Seed Raising Mix
We opened our compost bin and removed so of the compost.
We mixed some sand into the compost and then sieved it all into a fine mix.
We then sew some seeds into pots using our new mix! 

ROOM 2 in the garden
" We harvested the calendula flowers to start making some calendula balm" Grace
" We tasted the green onion and it was delicious. Belissimo ! " Micah 
" The Hover-fly eats the aphids." Mella
" The green onion tastes good with the calendula petals" Uma

Term 3 Week 7

Room 15 in the Garden
Our PEA seedlings were big enough to be planted out.
So a group from ROOM 15 moved the stakes to a new place in the garden bed
Once the stakes were in they planted out the peas and watered them
PEAS need support as they grow! 

ROOM 2 in the garden
I brought the vegetable/fruit juicer in today and the children harvested the BEETROOT, CARROT, SILVERBEET and SPINACH
We also made APPLE and ORANGE juice and mixed it with the veggie juice!
IT was delicious, tasted by all, and of course some drunk more juice than others!
The important thing was : They all tried it ! Even those who said that they didn't like beetroots! 

Room 1 also made juice and had a few minutes to spare, so with their tummies full of veggie/fruit juice of they went to do some weeding ! GREAT JOB room 1 !

Term 3 Week 6

ROOM 2 in the garden
Working on a hard soil, breaking up the lumpy soil, adding the "vermicast" ( made by our lovely tiger worms) 
Added new calendula seeds to the new prepared soil.

Term3 Week 6

Room 1 in the garden !
It has been a dry week and no rain!
So ROOM 1 worked as a team to keep the hose from bending, and taking turns they WATERED the whole garden, once the garden soil was nice and moist it was easier to pull the weeds out! 
We also talked about our favourite veggies, we planted new seed in pots, and we watered them!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

week 3 term 3

Week 2 of term 3 ROOM 10

Recycled plant labels 

ROOM 10 planting some seeds for our spring growing season
We talked about the worm bath and diluted some of the worm juice to be used in the garden


ROOM 1 in the GARDEN

Today we harvested some silverbeet, spinach and broccoli we chopped them and added them to a potato puree and made them into delicious " potato and greens" cookies !

WEEK 1 of TERM 3

Room 1 in the Garden
We visited the Garden for the first time 
We used seed mix to sow peas
We watered the seeds 
They will need a warm sunny place to grow
We ate some raw broccoli ! 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Winter 2014

Last day of Term 2 in the Garden. 3rd July 2014
Room 4 and Room 14 worked very hard during Term 2.
During Autumn we harvested the produce and either ate it raw or cooked it. We collected seeds to store for next year. Winter crops were planted. We added compost and liquid fertiliser from the worm farm to the garden.
As the weather got colder we added peastraw as mulch and nutrition to improve our soil.
We discussed the plant lifecycle and played games about it, we also made our own recycled seed paper.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Winter 2014

Winter - cold and windy outside
Room 4 and Room 14
We have made Plantable Seed Paper:
Collect paper scrap from classroom , tear in little bits, add water, add colour ( we used beetroot and spinach from our garden) , blend the paper, pour over mesh screen, press water out using towels and a rolling pin.
Room 14 made large sheets of paper and Room 4 made small shapes using cookie cutters.
Last week of the term : Paper is dry and ready to go home! Children wrote instructions on how to plant the seed paper. Children are taking pots home to plant their seed paper and watch the seeds grow.
Seeds used : MARIGOLDS ( harvested by the children from CTS Edible Garden. )
TOPIC : Winter - Plant Lifecycle 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Room 4 - preparing the garden for Winter 2014

Winter is coming, so we are preparing our garden beds for winter.
New word - MULCH to keep soil warm during winter, prevent weeds from growing, adds nutrients to the soil. We used Pea Straw.

Autumn/ Winter 2014

Harvesting some of our produce to make a vegetable soup!

Spring/ Summer 2013